Food and drink

Different service industries in Kostajnica contribute to the richer offer of this city. On a relatively small territory, there are numerous stores, different craft services and catering services which can please different types of needs with their offer. Bars and coffee shops in Kostajnica offer a good time and a fun night life for their guests, especially in the days of the weekend when one can have a good time long into the night.


Restaurant "Kod ujke"
Restaurant “Kod ujke” is located near the border crossing, and the long experience of the staff guarantess the quality of food and services. The restaurant offers breakfast until 12 o’clock every day, cooked dishes, grilled dishes, a la carte dishes, lamb and pork roast.

Mladen Stojanović Street, 79224 Kostajnica
📞00387 (0) 52 663 251
FB Page: Restoran kod ujke

Restaurant "Domaćin"
Restaurant "Domaćin" is located in the center of Kostajnica, in the Kralj Petar I Oslobodilac Square 23. In addition to grilled dishes, ready meals, veal and lamb under the “sac” and a variety of drinks, the restaurant offers roast lamb and pork which you can enjoy in the summer garden overlooking the greenery of the city park. The restaurant also offers trout and carp.

📞 00387 (0) 66 801 121
FB Page: Restoran Domaćin

Caffe restoran „Kort“
It is located in the Super Kort market.
Svetosavska Street 16, 79224 Kostajnica
📞 00387 (0) 52 490 495

Caffe bars
Bar/coffee „Level“, Address: Svetosavska Street 11 A
Bar/coffee „Grand“, Address: Mladena Stojanović Street
Bar/coffee „Žuge“, Address: Ranko Šipka Street 8
Bar/coffee „Langolo, Address: Kralj Petar I Oslobodilac Square
Bar/coffee „Bolero“, Address: Ranko Šipka Street
Bar/coffee „Korzo“, Address: Mladen Stojanović Street
Bar/coffee „Gold“, Address: Petra Pecije Street 8
Bar/coffee „Galija“, Address: Kralj Petar I Oslobodilac Square
Bar/coffee „Ex“, Address: Kralj Petar I Oslobodilac Square
Bar/coffee „Imperial“, Address: Kralj Petar I Oslobodilac Square
Bar/coffee „Elit“, Address: Kralj Petar I Oslobodilac Square
Bar/coffee „Pub“, Address: Kralj Petar I Oslobodilac Square
Bar/coffee „Gagi trans“, Address: Ivan Goran Kovačić Street
Bar/coffee „AT Plus“, Address: Ivan Goran Kovačić Street

Pekoteka “Medić”, Address: Kralj Petar I Oslobodilac Square

Bakery „Dan i noć“, Address: Svetosavska Street 9

Grill “Kesten”, Address: Kralj Petar I Oslobodilac Square
Роштиљница „Мастер М“ Светосавска 11А