Риболовно подручје спортско – риболовног удружења “Мрена“ Костајница је ријека Уна, која је истовремено државна граница са Републиком Хрватском, управно на матицу са десне обале од границе са општином Нови Град (низводно од Добрљина-Ђурића јарак) па до границе са општином Козарска Дубица тј. до насељеног мјеста Бабинац гдје се ријечица Вучијак улијева у ријеку Уну. У овом дијелу свог равничарског тока Уна је блага, мирна, провидна и чиста, али изразито седровита и тиме погодна за риболовне дисциплине „лов рибе удицом на пловак“, „на дну (грунт)“ и „вараличарење“. Најзаступљеније врсте риба на овом дијелу ријеке Уне су: мрена, плотица, деверика (шиљар), клен, јез, манић, шкобаљ (подуст), шаран, амур, костреш и зекица, те салмониди: сом, смуђ, штука, буцов и младица.
- When fishing with a float hook, all types of cypyrid fish may use one rod with one hook, and exceptionally two hooks may be used if fishing with natural or artificial grass, provided that the hook on the upper hook must be cut off.
- with two rods with two hooks each, fishing for cypyrid species of fish at the bottom (grunt) is allowed
- with three rods with one hook each, carp, catfish, pike and perch are allowed
- fishing is done with fishing gear, so that the angler can use a maximum of three rods with one hook, except for artificial lure-lure can have more than one hook, and a maximum of two
- fishing of salmonid species: grayling and trout is allowed only on artificial means such as artificial flies, decoys of metal, rubber, mother of pearl and similar materials
- if the fishing is done with an artificial fly, there may be a maximum of three flies on the rod
- when fishing it is allowed to use: fish net (sak), fish guard net and hook.
HUCHEN | from 1st of February until 31st of August | 100 cm | 1 piece yearly |
COMMON TROUT | from 1st of October until 31st of March | 25 cm | |
GRAYLING | from 1st of February until 31st of May | 30 cm |
daily 5 pieces |
BURBOT | from 1st of December until 1st of March | 25 cm | |
CARP | from 15th of April until 31st of May | 30 cm | |
CATFISH | from 1st of May until 15th of June | 60 cm | |
PIKEPERCH | from 1st of April until 31st of May | 30 cm | |
PIKE | from 1st of February until 31st of March | 40 cm | |
ASP | from 1st of April until 31st of May | 30 cm | |
NASE CARP | from 1st of April until 31st of May | 25 cm | |
BARBEL | from 1st of May until 15th of June | 30 cm | |
DANUBE ROACH | from 15th of April until 31st of May | 25 cm | |
CHUB | from 15th of April until 31st of May | 25 cm | daily10 pieces |
DREAM | from 15th of April until 31st of May | 25 cm | |
IDE | from 15th of April until 15th of June | 25 cm | |
ASP | from 1st of April until 31st of May | 30 cm |
Price for fishing licenceshing license
Yearly licence
- sport fishermen aged 18 to 65 paying 90,00 BAM
- sport fishermen aged 14 to 18 and over 65, and women sport fishermen: 45,00 BAM
- sport fishermen up to 14 years of age who want to buy a permit: 30,00 BAM (children under 14 years of age in accordance with Article 35 paragraph 4 of the Republic of Srpska Fisheries Law may engage in sport fishing without a permit only in the presence of an adult with a permit).
MONTHLY LICENSE (for BiH citizens and foreign citizens): 70,00 BAM
WEEKLY LICENSE (for BiH citizens and foreign citizens): 50,00 BAM
DAILY LICENSE (for citizens of BiH and foreign citizens): 20,00 BAM
Страни и домаћи туристи, затим риболовци са подручја ФБиХ, који желе да пецају на риболовном подручју СРУ “Мрена“ Костајница, поред куповине одговарајуће дозволе за риболов могу у удружењу добити на располагање пратњу и чамац, без опреме за риболов.
- fishing on the river Una from the iron bridge in Grdanovac village
- on the river Una from the peak of the city islands downstream to the place where the river Tavija flows into the Una, part of the disputed border territory which is currently under the jurisdiction of the police of the Republic of Croatia (Border crossing Kostajnica)
- to fish without a valid fishing license
- catch more fish than the daily allowable catch
- fishing at the time of spawning and hunting
- fishing directly by hand and pulling, or hooking the body hook-grabbing
- salmonid fish species at night (from dusk to dawn)
- below the minimum lengths and above the permitted daily maximum catch
- harpoon, oysters, underwater rifle, explosives, firearms, electric current (electric fishing), artificial light source, chemical and other means that kill, poison or stun them, nets, baskets and other prohibited or prohibited means.
Sport Fishing Society „Mrena”, Kostajnica
Ivana Gorana Kovačića Street, 79224 Kostajnica
📞 00387 (0) 65 586 199 & 00387 (0) 65 843 669
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